6 Reasons to Clean Your Electronic Devices

hand using cloth to wipe laptop keyboard

Many aspects of our jobs are connected to our devices but one element that might get neglected is the actual cleaning of our electronic devices. This can have a big impact on many parts of our daily requirements, and it's not just your computer that needs a cleaning every now and then; your phone, tablet, and other electronic devices do too. Cleaning them regularly can help to protect your security and keep them running smoothly. In this article, we'll go over how to properly clean your electronic devices and explain how doing so regularly is highly beneficial.

Why clean your electronic devices?

There are a few key reasons why it’s important to clean your electronic devices on a regular basis.

1. To keep them running smoothly

Clogged-up fans and dust buildup can cause overheating and damage the internal parts of your device. This can lead to a significant loss of production due to slow device speeds and the need to get a new device sooner than should be required.

2. To improve their appearance 

A clean device looks nicer and is more pleasant to use than a dirty one! You are using and staring at your devices for long periods of the day and an improved appearance can help keep you positive throughout the day.

3. To extend their lifespan 

The more often you clean your devices, the longer they will last overall. While it is important to not let your devices get too old, you should still take steps to make sure they don't die earlier than expected. It will become a big hassle for everyone involved if your devices have to be constantly replaced, and if it happens too often, you may be the one who ends up being replaced.

4. To protect your health 

Imagine all the surfaces and places you come into contact with on a daily basis. Think about transferring all of that to your devices which you are touching, typing on, and holding practically all day long. If you don’t clean your devices, they can become home to all sorts of bacteria and other nasty germs which can put your safety at risk. These can easily transfer to you whenever you touch your face and get you sick.

5. To prolong your investment

Just like getting a car wash or buying a house, electronic devices are a significant investment, so it makes sense to take care of them in order to get as much out of that investment as possible. You wouldn't let your car get dirty to the point the paint starts falling off or let your house go into disrepair, would you? Most would say no; you clean them and fix any issues in order to keep that investment for as long as possible and, in some cases, to add value upon resale.

6. To free up storage space 

While this is a slightly different aspect of cleaning, it is still important and can be done as part of your overall cleaning routine. Getting rid of any unnecessary files or moving them to some sort of cloud storage/external harddrive can free up a lot of space, which in turn can make your device run much smoother. It also declutters your space making the view much nicer than before and hopefully makes it easier to find necessary items.

How to clean your electronic devices

While at work, it's probably best to get the help of your IT department when planning on cleaning your devices. They know the ins and outs of each and can clean them without damaging them in the process. However, if you work from home, don't have an internal IT department, or just want to do it on your own, please be very careful, especially if taking apart the device to clean the inside. Let someone know you will be cleaning your devices in case anything happens to the point in which they do not work afterward. Here are some tips on how to clean them:

  • For laptops, unplug the device and use a compressed-air can to clean out the dirt, dust, and other debris from inside and outside of the device. You should also use a microfiber cloth or an alcohol-based cleaning solution to clean the surface. Be careful not to get any liquid inside the device.

  • For desktops, unplug the device and use a small vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to clean out the dirt, dust, and other debris from inside and outside of the device.

  • For phones and tablets, use a soft microfiber cloth to clean the screen and body of the device. If there is any dirt or dust buildup in hard-to-reach areas, you can use a toothpick or Q-tip dipped in alcohol to clean it.

Test each of the devices after cleaning. If they do not work the same as before, try and retrace your steps and follow that process in the correct order. If that doesn't work, contact your IT department or trusted IT partner such as an MSP.

When to clean your electronic devices

There is no one definitive answer to this question; it depends on a variety of factors, such as the type of device, how often it is used, and the environment in which it is used. However, as a general rule, it is a good idea to clean electronic devices regularly - at least once a month, and more often if they are used heavily or in a dirty environment.

Cleaning your electronic devices is an important part of device management. Not only does it help protect your security and privacy, but it also helps keep your devices running smoothly which is important for productivity and efficiency purposes. By following these few simple tips, you can have your electronic devices run quickly and effectively for a long time.

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