5 Common Cybersecurity Myths

In today’s ever-evolving threat landscape, cybersecurity is a critical consideration for businesses of all shapes and sizes. But with all of the information out there about hacking, cyber breaches, software, and security awareness, there’s also a number of myths and misconceptions preventing organizations from making the right calls when it comes to safeguarding their technology.

Here are five of the most common cybersecurity myths and the truth behind them that will help you properly approach and reduce your risk of a data breach.

1) “I’m Too Small To Be Hacked”

Most Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs) often think that they are immune to cyberattacks and data breaches because "we're too small" or "nobody wants our data." This couldn't be further from the truth and is one of the top myths about cybersecurity. In fact, Small Business Trends reports that 43% of cyber attacks target small businesses.

While SMBs may not be explicitly targeted, they are often victims of large-scale attacks where cybercriminals attack hundreds of organizations looking for those with the weakest security. Small businesses often lack advanced security software and skilled security teams, making them a softer target for cybercriminals.

2) “It Won’t Happen to Us”

Related to the first myth, many organizations assume that they are unlikely to experience a security breach because of the industry they’re in, or the location or nature of business. The truth is, every business is highly likely to suffer a security breach at some point. 

Cybersecurity attacks are happening more frequently. Recent reports indicate that $2.9 million is lost to cybercrime every minute. Every business should be prepared for an attack, because eventually a hacker will come knocking.

3) “My Staff Already Knows How to Prevent Attacks”

Many businesses think that their employees are too tech-savvy to fall victim to a cyberattack. But, what they fail to consider, is that 90% of successful breaches are caused by human error. Both ransomware and phishing attacks are considered the primary cybersecurity risks for the near future, and the threat landscape will continue to evolve. Businesses should be implementing regular security awareness training that will help ensure their employees are fully trained to recognize and prevent all types of cybersecurity attacks.

4) “We Have Strong Passwords”

Organizations often believe that their regular passwords are strong enough to keep their business safe. But the fact remains that in recent years, data breach investigations have revealed that over 80% of data breaches occur due to poor passwords.

Additionally, securing your data goes farther than a strong password. In fact, strong password practices are just the start. A robust security system comes with a multi-layered defense. At a minimum, organizations should employ multi-factor authentication (MFA) and data monitoring. Not only do employees need strong passwords, but companies need to be more aware of who they allow to access what data.

5) “Our IT Department/Firm Takes Care of It”

A good IT team does in fact take on the majority of strategic, technical, and security components of keeping your organization team. Most of the time you will go about your daily business knowing that they are doing everything they can to protect you. But, true cybersecurity preparedness falls on the shoulders of every employee, not just those within the information technology department.

For example, according to Verizon, 49 percent of malware is installed over email. If your employees aren’t trained on cybersecurity best practices, like how to spot phishing scams and avoid unsafe links, they could be opening up your company to potential threats.

Keeping your business cyber secure is a continuous effort, and one that requires every employee’s participation. If you, or anyone at your company has fallen victim to one of the myths above, it may be time to rethink your cybersecurity plan and assess your overall risk.

Kotman Technology has been delivering comprehensive technology solutions to clients in California and Michigan for nearly two decades. With a customer retention of over 98%, we pride ourselves on being the last technology partner you'll ever need. Contact us today to experience the Kotman Difference.


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